In the Beginning

On the 16th of June 1983 the first meeting of Catholic Women in Aglow was led by Fr. Paul Shannahan to discover the needs of Catholic Women in the renewal. Out of the meeting grew ‘Dove Fellowship for Catholic Women’

On Saturday 26th May 1984 the first Seminar Day was held at Baradene Convent Hall, Remuera, Auckland.

Theme: ‘Come Away My Beloved’

”The voice of the Turtle Dove will be heard in the Land”- Song of Songs 2-12.

220 Women attended in response to the invitation experiencing Praise, Worship, Ministry and Fellowship – the core values of Dove.

2024 celebrates 40 years of Dove Catholic Fellowship for Women in New Zealand. Each month we will be celebrating themes of our Dove journey. We invite you to attend the 40th celebrations at fellowships in North Shore, Hamilton and Nelson throughout the year. More details to come…

Sharing our stories… If you would like to share a ‘joy spot’ or experience of the Holy Spirit touching your life through Dove, please feel free to submit on the Contact page.

Disclaimer: In submitting, this gives Dove permission to publish on website.

Recent Articles

The Praise and Worship

O most Holy and Generous Lord. You show us the glory of you and your overwhelming love through Praise and worship. How

Celebrating Dove Leadership Teams

We give thanks for all Women who have served on a Dove Leadership Team throughout their seasons, bringing their spiritual and practical