Dove National leadership Retreat was held recently at Pacific Park Christian Holiday Camp in Papamoa. Four fellowships were represented. This was a time of coming together to seek the Lords vision for the year ahead.

2 of our team members share their experience:
“I’ve been on team for two years amidst Dove’s transitional period, and this was my first time attending a leader’s national retreat! I’d been looking forward to this for years, and it was inspirational and wholesome in ways only the Lord can describe. It was unifying to come together, discuss, discern and see Dove’s new vision for the younger generations unfold. My hearts filled with excitement to serve alongside the other fellowships to see the dawn of a new era and the healing and spiritual growth of many women! It was such an honour for me to pray for and serve alongside women far more spiritually mature and experienced than myself. I felt God’s wisdom and love pulsing through them! Such a blessing.”
Nicola – Team Member – Dove North Shore
“Retreat – Unity in Papamoa
Wow! What an awesome weekend. Super to put faces to names. What a lovely bunch of faithful, beautiful women serving others for the Lord. The weekend was fruitful for Hamilton team, the vision and scripture was discerned and a real answer to prayer we felt, that we are on the right track. A real pull back to the beginning, with the Lord at the heart of everything, our scripture Psalm 139: 13: For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother’s womb. Excited to see the Holy Spirit at work in coming months.”
Megan – Team Leader – Dove Hamilton